Family Therapy

Family Therapy Family therapy has been around for many decades and over that time has continued to evolve with new ways of understanding problems and helping families and individuals. Family therapy grew out of the recognition that individuals are born into, develop through and live in a social and inter-personal context. What this means is…

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Dementia Memory problems in older adults are often attributed to old age. Whilst mild forgetfulness can be a part of normal ageing, more serious memory or personality changes can be a sign of dementia, which is not part of the normal ageing process. Dementia is a general term which describes permanent changes in memory, personality…

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Behaviour Management

Behaviour Management All parents can relate to a time when they felt horrified by a tantrum their child has thrown in public – you may have felt embarrassed, frustrated, and even guilty that you couldn’t control their behaviour. As a parent, their is a huge amount of pressure to shape your children’s behaviour and development…

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Work Performance

Work Performance It is common for people to experience pressure perform at work, and for this pressure to lead to stress and worry. This is a normal experience that is usually heightened in the lead up to a big project, presentation or interview. However, it can sometimes turn from a normal, ‘healthy’ stress, into a…

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