Return to Work Assistance Whilst return to work assistance is often thought of as support for individuals who have had to take time off because of a distressing event or injury, this support is also often needed by individuals who have chosen to take a break from work. Despite the circumstances that led to taking…
Read MoreLeadership & Management Being a leader or manager at work is not easy. Whilst having to maintain a high standard of work for yourself in this role, you also have to work towards maintaining this in the other staff members. It can be very rewarding, but also quite stressful, challenging and overwhelming at times. Regardless…
Read MoreCritical Incident Debriefing When traumatic events occur within or near a workplace, it can have a major impact on the mental health and productivity of all employees. Even if an employee or employer was not directly impacted by the event, it can still lead to distress, trauma, or fear of the event re-occurring. It is…
Read MoreConflict Resolution Conflict at work is a normal experience that everyone is bound to encounter at some point, especially when considering the range of personalities which interact on a daily basis within the workplace. This may not only be with your co-workers, but also with managerial staff and customers or clients. Conflict in the workplace…
Read MoreCareers Counselling Choosing your first career path or deciding to make a career change can be difficult. It often feels easier, and even safer, to remain in the same job – even when you’re no longer happy, proud or challenged by your work. However, this can start to impact on the way you see yourself,…
Read MoreAssertiveness Training Assertiveness is a good quality to have to be able to stick up for yourself in the workplace and be more confident in your decisions, whilst also maintaining the respect of others. Everyone deserves to have their voice heard, and to feel respected by both clients and colleagues. In the workplace, it can…
Read MoreParenting Being a parent can be difficult. Just as no one’s experience is the same, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to parenting. Everyone faces different challenges. It can particularly take a toll on your relationship, as the dynamics and responsibilities completely change, and it can feel like there is less time or effort put into…
Read MoreMarriage Counselling Have things changed over time with you and your spouse? Are you struggling to communicate? Has the intimacy disappeared? You are not alone. A marriage is an investment. It requires time and effort, and the more you put in, the more you will get back. Whether you’re a newlywed, or feel as though…
Read MoreFamily Separation For many people, family is a crucial part of life and happiness. Therefore it can be very difficult to cope when major conflicts arise and separation takes place. Particularly when it’s between you and a partner, it can be very difficult to accept and cope with the big life changes that accompany a…
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