Health & Lifestyle Health Psychology aims to reduce harmful health behaviours and improve healthy behaviours. For example, poor diet, lack of exercise, smoking, alcohol and drug abuse. The reduction of these is associated with reducing heart disease, type II diabetes, breast and colon cancer, obesity and more. Health and lifestyle psychologists specialise in intervening and…
Read MoreGut-Brain Health The human gut is often referred to as the “second brain”, and has an intricate network of 100 million neurons embedded in the gut wall. Our gut is hard wired into our flight-fight response in stressful or dangerous situations. Our gut also expresses what we are feeling and thinking. Everyday expressions such as…
Read MoreGrief & Bereavement Grief is the intense experience that we all go through in the tragic event of losing somebody we know. There is no right or wrong way to experience it and there is no specific time set on how long it should go for – everyone has their own individual process and this…
Read MoreGender & Sexual Identity Both our gender identity and sexual identity make up a fundamental part of who we are. Some people identify with a different gender from the one they were assigned at birth. Gender Dysmorphia involves a conflict between the gender an individual identifies with, and the one they were physically assigned. For people…
Read MoreGambling Gambling addiction, or compulsive gambling, is a type of impulse-control disorder. Individuals with a gambling addiction cannot control their impulse to gamble, even when they know their gambling is hurting themselves or their loved ones. For someone with a gambling addiction, the gambling takes over their thoughts and behaviours, driving them to want to…
Read MoreFertility Struggling with infertility can be an extremely emotional, and sometimes painful experience. For some women, infertility is one of the most difficult challenges they will ever have to face. The frustration of not being able to conceive, and the stress over whether you’ll ever be able to have children can take an extreme emotional…
Read MoreFamily Planning Planning how many children you want, as well as the age difference between them, is an important way to help create a harmonious family life. This is often a joyous experience for an individual wanting to start a family. However, you may need assistance if this has instead started to cause strain upon…
Read MoreDyslexia Dyslexia is a very broad term defining learning difficulties, and there are different types of dyslexia related to sensory difficulties with the eyes, ears or both. These learning difficulties result in impairment in a person’s fluency of reading and writing – the individual may be slower, less accurate, and having to use more effort in…
Read MoreDrug & Alcohol People use alcohol, tobacco and other drugs for many reasons. Some people use these substances to help them to relax, to feel more lively, to feel less inhibited or to feel pleasure. Others find the effects of substances make it easier for them to cope with problems. Substance use can cause problems…
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